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Our Practitioners


All of our practitioners are part of one of the thirteen National Health Institutes in México, National Health Centers and other Tertiary care reference hospitals. These tertiary care health facilities are the hospitals in Mexico with the highest medical specialization which is why they usually receive 3% of the most complex cases in the country. This way we guarantee excellent medical attention with the highest grade of professionalism.

Rodrigo Pérez Esparza MD

Psychiatrist in the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery “Manuel Velasco Suárez”. He is a recognized psychiatrist as a speaker in several national medical congresses as well as an author of several medical papers on psychiatry published both nationally and internationally.

Karina Meza Ocaña MD
Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery

Pediatrics specialist in Pediatric Surgery by the National Insitute of Pediatrics. Certified by the Mexican Board for Pediatrics. Speaker in several national medical congresses and author of several medical papers published both nationally and internationally.

Klever Bastar Castro
General Practitioner

General practitioner certified by the National Board for Certification in General Medical Practice. Offers primary care services and emergencies as well as attention in Spanish, English and French.

José Luis Nuñez Barragán MD
Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology

Orthopedic and Trauma specialist in High Specialty Joint Surgery in Mexico’s National Medical Center "20 de Noviembre”. Certified by the Mexican Board for Orthopedics and Traumatology.

Liliana Gutiérrez Barragán MD
Sports Medicine

Medical practitioner specialized in Sports Medicine with a Masters Degree in High Performance Sport, Doctorate “Cum Laude” in High Performance Sport by the Pablo de Olivade University in Spain. Certified in Medicine for Sport Activity by the National Board of Sports Medicine. Certified as National Expert in Obesity by the Council for Certification in Obesity. Speaker in national and international congresses. 

Jorge Antonio Pérez Casas Lozoya MD
Obstetrics and Gynecology

Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB GYN) in the Regional Hospital “Primero de Octubre”. Sub-specialist in Oncologic Gynecology Surgery in the national General Hospital of Mexico “Eduardo Liceaga”. Member of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Board.


Elizabeth L. Sánchez Ramírez MD
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology

Specialist in orthopedic surgery in “Xoco General Hospital”. Certified by the Mexican Board for Orthopedics and Traumatology. Sub-specialist in pediatric orthopedic surgery by La Salle University.

Itzá Antonio Anguiano Castrejón
Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery

Medical practitioner specialized in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery (OTO-HNS) by the national General Hospital of Mexico "Eduardo Liceaga". Speaker in several national congresses and author of national medical papers.

José Antonio Marino Silva
Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery

Current Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery (OTO-HNS) specialist in the national General Hospital of Mexico "Eduardo Liceaga". Speaker in national congresses and workshops. 

Noé Herrera Domíngez
Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery

Current Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery (OTO-HNS). specialist in the national General Hospital of Mexico. Speaker in national congresses and author of several medical papers both nationally and internationally. Developer of national research lines.

Sharon Selmen Chattaj
General practitioner. Overwight and Obesity

General practitioner specialized in treatment of metabolic syndrome which is a common health condition involving overwheight, obesity, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Practitioner in the National Institute of Cardiology “Ignacio Chávez” and in the private hospital ABC (American British Cowdray Medical Center).

Rocío González Alberto
Obesity and Comorbidities Nutrition Specialist

Obesity and Comorbidities Nutrition Specialist and MC in Applied Nutrition. Speaker in National Programees and in National Broadcasters, as well as Private Nutrition Consultant.

Mayeli Herrera Loza
Clinical Nutrition Specialist

Nutrition specialist in Mexico’s national Children’s Hospital “Federico Gómez”. Previous Department Head in Nutrition is the Directive of Social Integration of the National System for the Integral Family Development (DIF, in spanish). Masters degree in clinical nutrition and author of several papers in clinical nutrition published nationally.

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